- heroquest, where the quester assumes the role of the Knowing God, searching for the long lost Truth. Lhankor Mhy Finds the Truth is a
You can read the full myth in game, from your lore screen. There is no page Lhankor Mhy Finds the Truth (myth) due to copyright issues.
If you successfully complete this heroquest, you can ask one of the following:
- Strengthen the quester (Increases Bargaining, Customs and Magic.
- Strengthen the clan against chaos,
- Fight darkness,
- Give knowledge to the people,
- Learn the secrets of another myth (if you don't know all the myths, this option will give you details to the myths you don't know, but not secrets),
- Learn about Dragon Pass
Additionally, the successful completion of this heroquest grants a bonus in situations involving Custom, Mystery, and Divination for about 3 years.
The Quester[]
There are no known restrictions for the Lhankor Mhy heroquest.
Lhankor Mhy worshippers will have a better chance at succeeding. This is one of the easier quests, but a higher Custom rating helps.
Walkthrough & Dialogue[]
Note: Even choosing all the right answers does not guarantee the success of the quest. Many factors are taken into account. Visit Heroquest for more information on how to succeed at heroquesting.
Walkthrough Summary[]
Here is a summary of the answers that most closely follow the myth, thus giving a better chance at succeeding.
If you do not choose to bring clan members to take on the roles of Issaries and Urox:
- Tell Issaries to come along (Options 2 or 3)
- Tell Urox there will be chaos to fight (Options 5 or 6)
After convincing Issaries and Urox to come along:
- Let Storm Bull fight alone. (Option 3)
- Fighting them (Option 1) or running around them (Option 3) are both safe. Winning one contest and losing another (Option 6) can safely earn you some magic but wounds the quester.
- Tell Issaries there can be no reconciliation without truth. (Option 5)
- Ask Grandbread why he did that. (Option 1)
- Put a leather sheet over your head and think. (Option 4)
- Answer Issaries' question. (Option 1)
Stage 1[]
At the start of the heroquest, you will get the chance to ask for the primary benefit you will recieve should you succeed.
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This myth begins in the Great Darkness, after Eurmal found the truth and twisted it all around so that no one can recognize it, and after Issaries mistakenly sells it to a god far away. If Chaos is to be defeated, the truth must be found again and untwisted. What benefits does <Quester> seek from this quest?
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Stage 2[]
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<Quester> arrives in a dark and blasted place. The winds are strong and cold, which is good, but they also have a strange stink to them. There are Orlanthi around, but they are dressed in the ancient manner of your ancestors. One of them looks like a trader, and must be Issaries.
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There are several right answers here, according to the myth:
- Lhankor Mhy allows Issaries to come along because he knows he didn't intend to sell the truth (Option 2)
- Appealing to the trader in Issaries is also a valid option (Option 3)
To Issaries, the truth is not the most important thing, so saying that might result in failure at this stage. Also, Lhankor Mhy and Issaries are not exactly friends, Issaries thinks of Lhankor Mhy as the "Know-It-All" god, and Lhankor Mhy thinks of Issaries as the "Talks-Too-Much" god. So treating Issaries as a friend might not work as intended.
Stage 3[]
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Then <Quester> sees a fearsome warrior who must be Storm Bull.
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- Solution
Urox is not interested in trade routes or the truth, he is the fighter of chaos, so the last two options will get him to agree to come along (options 5 or 6).
Stage 4[]
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Issaries said that, although the god he'd sold the truth to was across the great water, he knew a special shortcut that would take <Quester> there by land. "The land is beset by all varieties of chaos beasts. You might enjoy cataloging them, Knowing One, but Storm Bull will enjoy killing them even more." And indeed, you encounter many types of chaos creatures, including broos, gorp, slimekin, ghouls, and krarshkids. Finally, when travelling through a ruined city, the group is attacked by a gigantic chaos thing, one whos name can only be pronounced by the dead.
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- Solution
Lhankor Mhy isn't the fighting type. If you contacted Urox directly, he can easily kill the creature alone (Option 3). If a helper is filling Urox's role and has a weak combat skill, they might fail here; lending magic will help ensure success.
Stage 5[]
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Issaries leads <Quester> and Storm Bull to a far distant place, across the ocean and far to the south. Fortunately, he knows a short cut, and they are able to get there without any need for a boat. When they arrive, their way is blocked by guardians who insist that <Quester> must undergo a Meeting Test with them. "I name one skill, and we compete against each other in that skill. Then you name a skill, and we compete with each other in that skill."
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- Solution
There are several valid options here. Fighting them relies on Urox's combat skill. Running around them relies on Issaries' navigational skills. A quester with strong combat skill can win both contests for additional magic. Winning one contest and losing the other is always safe.
Stage 6[]
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Issaries takes <Quester> through the short-cut that leads to the faraway place where he sold the truth. But he becomes distracted, showing more interest in an argument between mastodons and sabertooth tigers than in taking <Quester> to the god that bought the truth.
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- Solution
Issaries would like to reconcile the warring animals, so Option 5 is the best course of action to convince him here.
Stage 7[]
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Issaries takes <Quester> to the place where the one who bought the truth lived. That god is called Grandbread. He has the truth, but it is still twisted around. <Quester> demands that he give the truth back. Grandbread refuses: "It is mine now, and you shall not have it. Knowledge is my food. As soon as I untwist the truth, I will pound it into a meal, cook it into loaves of bread, and devour it." <Quester> challenges Grandbread to a game of questions. The game of questions went on so long that Grandbread became ravenously hungry. He tried to eat the truth as it was, in its sharp and twisted form. The thorns of the distorted truth punctured his stomach, so that his torso opened up and the truth fell back out of him again.
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- Solution
According to the myth, Lhankor Mhy asked him why he did that, and Grandbread was unable to answer due to his shame, thus losing the game. (Option 1)
Options 2 and 4 may work, but do not follow the myth.
Option 3 breaks the rules of the game of questions. You will fail the heroquest and earn a visit by some Grandbread Shamans.
Stage 8[]
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Now <Quester> was alone with the truth, but it was still thorny and twisted. How could he put it back in its pure form?
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- Solution
Lhankor Mhy did all these things in the myth. Anything is fine here -- except abandoning the quest.
Stage 9[]
The text will vary depending on your previous answer, what doesn't vary is:
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Issaries came in and asked a foolish question.
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- Solution
After scolding him several times, Lhankor Mhy answered his question in the myth. (Option 1) That is what you will need to do to complete the heroquest.
Congratulations, you've succeeded!
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Issaries left without a word of thanks, and <Quester> turned back to look at the truth. It wasn't twisted anymore! He had to figure this out. At length, he decided that, in responding quickly to Issaries, without much thought, he had stopped trying to mold the truth into the shape he wanted it to be. He had instead allowed the truth to come to him. Storm Bull got bored and wandered away; Issaries bade farewell to <Quester>. |
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