King of Dragon Pass Wiki

In: Events

Intagarn the poet

Intagarn the poet

Aspiring Poet

Aspiring Poet

Bad King Ugrain was known to kill and roast bad poets...

Event Dialogue[]

“Intagarn, an aspiring poet from the <X> clan, jumped at the chance to entertain us during a visit. But his tale is approaching the length of an epic battle. A long, dull, dreary epic battle.

1. Wait patiently for him to finish.

2. Rouse the sleepy audience to cheer him until he bows and ends the poem.

3. Stand abruptly and thank him profusely, outshouting his protests until he sits down.

4. Arrange for the children to pelt him with table scraps.”

King of Dragon Pass


If you select choice 2,

"Encouraged by our applause, Intagarn launched into another epic. If anything, it was even less inspiring than the first."

and then it brings you back to choice 1, 3 & 4.

The clan member that advocated for choice 2 might remark, "Well that didn't go as expected" and instead advocate for choice 3.

If you select choice 1,

"Intagarn droned on until everyone fell asleep. By morning he was gone."

This results in:

-clan mood

-warrior morale

So probably select choice 3 for positive results.

Clan Ring Dialogue[]

"He only wants to be noticed, give him some applause and he will shut up."

Clan ring member advocates for choice 2.

"Bad King Ugrain was known to kill and roast bad poets."

No choice selected.

I'm surprised I haven't heard about Intagarn from <X> clan traders. Usually they'll give a warning.

Clan ring member advocates for choice 1 & 2.

Our warriors are fond of good poetry. That probably explains why most of them are asleep.

Clan ring member advocates for choice 2.

Encourage him to keep going, surely he will drop by morning.

Trickster advocates for choice 1

This guy should become a healer, he could put me to sleep without needing a spell.

Clan ring member advocates for choice 4.

Why is he reciting this drivel here? Why isn't he boring his own clan?

Clan ring member advocates for choice 3.
