King of Dragon Pass Wiki
Forming a Tribe: the Chaos-Hating Clan
Chaos Hating Clan


Chain Event

Happens when Recruiting clans to form tribe

It goes without saying that this clan almost holds Urox in higher regard than Orlanth himself.  Mighty warriors, they prize strength as their primary virtue.  As such, directness is the best way to engage this clan.

Event Dialogue[]

Your emissaries are able to interrupt the brawling of Clan <X>'s leaders long enough to ask them if they want to join your new tribe.  They are as well-known for their hatred of Chaos as for their rashness and lack of forethought.  The idea of a tribe seems never to have occurred to them.  "How would a tribe help us fight broos?"

1.  Abandon negotiations.
2.  "Our magic will be stronger.  Magic can crush Chaos."
3.  "The fight against Chaos isn't everything.  There are cows to raise and seeds to sow."
4.  "We can share our maps, and better find where Chaos lurks."
5.  "We will have more warriors to fight Chaos."
6.  Give gifts.

King of Dragon Pass


As a clan who sees fighting Chaos as the main purpose of its existence, subtlety is lost on them.  As a result, you should be able to get <X> to support you in your bid to form a tribe by using persuasion.

Don't be afraid to give the clan its demands before giving gifts.  There will be an opportunity later use your persuasion to try and convince the other clans at a formal gathering to give some leeway as well.  Of course, that will be easier to do on Easy setting rather than hard.

  • Abandoning negotiations is an option, especially if you can't convince <X> to agree with you.
  • As physical as they are, you will have to persuade <X> that magic can crush Chaos.
  • Being single-minded, you may have to remind the <X> there is more to life than fighting Chaos, such as planting and herding.  Hard to fight Chaos on an empty stomach, after all.
  • If you point out that finding where Chaos lurks is another good selling point if you want <X> in your tribe.
  • Rather straightforward, even the <X> understand that more warriors means more Chaos foes.
  • Giving gifts may also work, as long as you don't go broke.  Another thing to bear in mind is that if you do have to abandon negotiations, any gifts are lost.