King of Dragon Pass Wiki

Cattle form the basis of wealth among the Orlanthi, making this clan one of the richest in Dragon Pass.   Any tribe which can claim this clan among its members is bound to be enriched with their inclusion.

Forming a Tribe: the Cattle Clan
Cattle Herd Clan


Chain Event

Happens when Recruiting clans to form tribe

Event Dialogue[]

Clan <X> is known for its large cattle herds. Because of this, it is a popular target for raids by other local tribes. Its chieftain, <Y>, is skeptical when your emissaries approach him about the new tribe. "We are wealthy, and the other clans are poor. If I were a suspicious man, I would think that this tribe is concocted merely so you can force us to share our wealth."

  1. Abandon negotiations.
  2. "The other clans will supply additional warriors to protect your herds."
  3. "You will be asked to help the other clans. That will cost you less than continued raiding."
  4. "Wealth is fleeting. Founding a tribe wins you a place in history."
  5. "Wealth is nothing without influence. Join us, and sit on the council."
  6. Give gifts.

King of Dragon Pass


  • This clan's herds are so large, they are unable to protect them all.  You gain much ground if you promise other warriors from other clans will protect the <X clan>'s herds.  The more warriors you promise, the better the reaction.  However, promise too many, and the other clans will want some other form of recompense.  When you pick this option, you can designate how many warriors each clan will provide from 1 through 10.
  • One course you might follow is asking the <X clan> to help other clans within the tribe. As the rest of the tribe will be protecting this clan's herds from raiders, it is only fitting they give other assistance.  In this case, you can decide how many cows the <X clan> will give other tribe mates each year from 1 through 20.  The more cows you require, the greater concessions you must make in other matters for the <X clan>.
  • You can appeal to the <X clan>'s pride, pointing out wealth is fleeting, but the founders of a tribe will be remembered by history.  The more persuasive you are, the better the chance this will succeed.  It doesn't do any harm to at least try this option.
  • While wealth is nice, power is even better.  Offering the <X> a place on the tribal council definitely improves your position with them.  You can give them a number of seats, 1 through 5.  The more seats they get, the better their reaction.  Of course, the number you can offer may be lower if you already promised other clans certain seats.
  • Giving gifts is another way to sway the <X clan> to your side.  The more cattle/goods you offer, the better their resposne.
  • If your proposals prove inadequate, or you decide this clan is more trouble than they are worth, you can always abandon negotations.  Realize any gifts you gave them earlier will stay with them.