King of Dragon Pass Wiki
Family Feud II: Eye of the Tempest


Chain Event

Previous Horse Theft
Next Fallen Sons

Sometimes, it takes the actions of a few to succeed where the clan ring fails.  However, their actions can cause repercussions through the rest of the clan.

Event Dialogue[]

Glendara's sons and daughter have done what the clan could not do; they have recovered Tempest.  They found him in a hidden cave on the <X> tula, where they fought off the sons of Rangarda Dark-Eyes.  One of the defenders, named Norpent Rangardasson, was slain, and another badly hurt.  But justice has been served, for Glendara's prize horse is hers again, and her honor is restored.
  1. Praise Glendara.
  2. Scold Glendara.
  3. Send a delegation to accuse the <X> of lying during your legal claim.
  4. Send gifts to the <X>, to placate them.
  5. Take no action.

King of Dragon Pass


  • Praising or scolding Glendara has no effect on her.  She is just glad to have her horse, Tempest, back. The praise/scold is more for your clan's reaction, and depends on how persuasive you are.  
    • If you praise Glendara, and your clan rallies around you, they will support you for backing her up.  Otherwise, they will be mad at the clan ring for letting the actions of one woman bring you closer to a feud
    • Scolding may work if the clan backs you up (once again, the actions of one woman and her family bringing the clan to war), while failure will have the clan angered for not backing up one of their own.
  • Accusing the <X> of lying will definitely go their way.  While the ring didn't know of the theft, they will pay compensation for Glendara's actions.  Another example where the activities of one woman brings difficulty to her clan.  However, you are also one step closer to conflict with the <X> as some of their people were slain, and their own clansmen clamor to make it right.
  • Sending gifts to the <X> prevents escalation of hostilities for you are essentially paying wergild for the dead and wounded.  However, your own clan will react negatively since, technically, you aren't in the wrong.
  • Doing nothing escalates tensions with the <X>, and your own clan morale may suffer as you did nothing to either support Glendara, or stymie rising tensions.

The next part of this arc continues in Family Feud III: Fallen Sons
