King of Dragon Pass Wiki


Random Event

As your clan has come to learn, while Orlanth may be as mercurial as a storm, little rivals the rage of the angered earth.

Event Dialogue[]

The earth has opened up and swallowed a large piece of your farmland.  There seemed to be a cave underneath the land you were working, and the ceiling of the cave has collapsed, dropping your land into a big hole in the ground.
  1. Do nothing.
  2. Promise to clear forest to make up for lost land.
  3. Sacrifice to Ernalda for protection from malign earth effects.
  4. Sacrifice to Maran Gor for protection from earthquakes.
  5. Sacrifice to the gods for luck.

King of Dragon Pass


One thing you should be aware is that you've suddenly lost a chunk of farmland.  You should go into your Farming icon Farming Screen and adjust the land units to regain your farmland, and your pastures.  Be aware that excessive clearing of the forest may aggravate the elves

  • Doing nothing may be the worst decision.  If the clan feels you are burying your head in the sand, their respect will lower. 
  • Clearing forest land is probably the cheapest option, but your farmers will appreciate it since they do need the farmland.
  • Successfully sacrificing to Ernalda should be able to protect you from malign effects.  It is currently unknown what that may be, though.  If you have a close relationship with Ernalda (such as choosing her as your chief deity in clan creation), this may be the best option.
  • Sacrificing to Maran Gor may be more effect since she is the goddess of earthquakes among other things.  It is unknown what happens if she doesn't accept your sacrifice, though there may be aftershocks.
  • Generally sacrificing to the gods may work best, especially if you don't have a close relationship with Maran Gor or Ernalda.