Over the course of your reign, you will encounter a multitude of events, some scripted, most random.
Your behavior and the decisions you make during these events will have an impact on your relations with other clans, and may even affect the mood in your own clan.
Some events are part of a chain, that can be pushed forward.
The following is a list of events encountered during the game.
Also note that many events may repeat themselves, especially after your clan becomes a member of a tribe. Thus, it is possible for one to earn/purchase different treasures during a same encounter (such as Sora Goodseller)
All pages about events should go here.
Trending pages
All items (494)
- A Call for Vengeance
- A Magic Stallion
- Abdication/Overthrow of Monarch
- Access to the Flamal Shrine
- Accusation of Adultery
- Adventurers
- Ambush of Rival King
- Ancestors Angered
- Ancestors' Blessing
- Ancient Battle
- Angry Priests
- Asrelia's Retreat
- Assassin's Twilight
- Attack of the Chaos Monster!
- Attempted Theft
- Babeester Gor: Clan Reunion
- Babeester Gor: Hand of Vengeance
- Baby Broos
- Baby Triceratops
- Bandit Infestation
- Basket of Eggs
- Battle of the Sexes
- Battle Unit Trained
- Bear Trouble
- Bearded Children
- Beastfolk: Clan Destruction
- Beastfolk: Dire Warning
- Begging for Help
- Betrothal Approval
- Big, Bristly Boar on the Loose
- Black Horse Troop
- Black Spear I: Argument
- Black Spear II: Spear Seekers
- Black Spear III: Clan Birth
- Blighted Crops
- Branduan the Poet
- Brass Man's Favor
- Broos: Home on the Range
- Buf Gart Descendants Seek Maran Shrine
- Bundalini's Skeleton Musical Troop
- Bundalini's Skeleton Musical Troop: Other Locale
- Call to Reduce Raids
- Captured by Minotaurs
- Captured Thanes
- Carls And Cottars Fighting
- Carls on Strike
- Carls Taken as Thralls
- Cattle Compensation
- Cattle Sickness
- Centaur or Secret Murder
- Chaos Skirt
- Chaotic Decapitation
- Chieftains Demand Abdication
- Civil War
- Clan On Your Doorstep
- Convincing Hauberk Jon
- Cooking Contest
- Cottar Stealing at Market
- Cragspider Meeting
- Cragspider: Tribal Peace
- Crop Failure
- Cult of Elmal
- Cult of Uralda: Fertility Ritual
- Cult of Uralda: Purification Ceremony
- Cult of Yinkin: Anti-Vermin Ritual
- Cult of Yinkin: Dogs in Dragon Pass
- Cult of Yinkin: Heroquest
- Cultist of Uralda: Sacrifice on Behalf of Another Clan's Cow Blessing
- Daring Cattle Raid
- Day of Battle (Tribe at War)
- Demon Wine
- Derik I: Orphaned
- Derik II: the Praxian-Hater
- Derik III: Following One's Path
- Derik IV: Jaldon Interlude
- Derik V: Clan Reconstruction
- Derik VI: Hero's Retribution
- Derik VII: Deathbed
- Derik VIII: Final Farewell
- Discovering Dwarf Valley
- Discovering the Ducks
- Dispersal of Your Clan
- Divorce Dowry
- Dragon Attack
- Dragon Attacks Tula
- Dragon Cart
- Dragonewt Body Armor
- Dragonewt: Body Claim
- Dragonewts: Bard Wanted
- Dragonewts: Clan Destruction
- Dragonewts: Dire Warning
- Dragonewts: Ritual
- Dream Cart
- Dream Warriors
- Drought
- Drought Relief Sought
- Drunk Justice
- Duck eggs
- Duck: Arsonists
- Duck: Assistance Needed Against Undead
- Duck: Duelist
- Duck: Tribe Membership
- Duck: Wergild
- Ducks
- Ducks: Aid for Upland Marsh
- Dueling Traders I: Trader Accusations
- Dueling Traders II: Trader Warnings
- Dueling Traders III: Beaten Down
- Dueling Traders IV: Trader Trickery
- Duelist from Holy Country
- Dwarf Containers for Sale
- Dwarf Emissary: Trade Mission
- Dwarf Mine
- Dwarf Shaft
- Dwarf Thralls
- Dwarf: Clan Destruction
- Dwarf: Dire Warning
- Dwarf: Renegade Traders
- Earthquake
- Einarth Milk-Eyes : Return
- Einarth Milk-Eyes: Epilogue
- Einarth Milk-Eyes: Prophecy
- Electing a New King/Queen
- Elmali Clan Thanes Complaint
- Elmali Request
- Elves Captured and Wounded
- Emissary Bearing Gifts
- Escaped Refugees
- Esra Priestess Uprising
- Experienced Warrior Offers Services
- Family Feud I: Horse Theft
- Family Feud II: Eye of the Tempest
- Family Feud III: Fallen Sons
- Family Feud IV: Sins of the Father
- Family Feud V: Blood Will Tell
- Family Feud VI: Hateful Birthright
- Family Feud VII: Passing the Torch
- Family Feud VIII: Beyond the Grave
- Family of Travelers
- Favors Due (Cattle & Food)
- Favors Due (Magic and Heroquest)
- Favors Due/Alliance Obligations (Information & War)
- Feathered Horse Queen
- Ferena Brooslayer
- Fighting the Chaos
- Flood
- Food Fight
- Foreign Sacrilege
- Forest Affair
- Forest Affair: Bearing Fruit
- Forest Affair: Marital Discord
- Formal Declaration of Feud
- Formation of Other Tribes
- Forming a Tribe: Confederation Moot
- Forming a Tribe: Electing a King/Queen
- Forming a Tribe: Rites of Kingship
- Forming a Tribe: the Ancient Text Clan
- Forming a Tribe: the Bandit-Reforming Clan
- Forming a Tribe: the Cattle Clan
- Forming a Tribe: the Chaos-Hating Clan
- Forming a Tribe: the Cooking Clan
- Forming a Tribe: the Early Clan
- Forming a Tribe: the Elmali Clan
- Forming a Tribe: the Ernalda Clan
- Forming a Tribe: the Female Chiefs Clan
- Forming a Tribe: the Hunting Clan
- Forming a Tribe: the Mad Chieftain Clan
- Forming a Tribe: the Pig Clan
- Forming a Tribe: the Planning Clan
- Forming a Tribe: the Pottery Clan
- Forming a Tribe: the Raiding Clan
- Forming a Tribe: the Surviving Pursuit Clan
- Forming a Tribe: the Trading Clan
- Forming a Tribe: the vineyard/Flamal Clan
- Forming a Tribe: the War Rock Clan
- Forming an Alliance
- Free Your Thralls
- Funniest Clan in Dragon Pass